A friend of mine, yesterday, said I would think too logical in respect to God. We talked about believers and unbelievers, and God's responsibility. We reasoned about who of the many people who claim the name of Jesus Christ are actually believers. In conclusion we said that it cannot be finally determined. Eventually God knows.
But what we then talked about was God's sovereignty and our responsibility for our doings. He said, "Both is true, the responsibility of mankind for his/her acts, and God's absolute control of everything." This is much like saying, "The Free Will of mankind and the deity (or absolute sovereignty) coexist... somehow, in some sort of mysterious, inexplicable way."
Heck, I don't know, this is adulterating the word of God! I said to my friend, "If you believe that God controls all, you cannot say that mankind is ultimately responsible for his or her acts." It is more than sane thinking to say that the one cancels out the other. And, most important of all, scripture rules out the latter, that mankind is responsible for their acts.
My Greek - English concordance doesn't even contain the word responsible, responsibility, or the like. My KJV doesn't have it anywhere as well (I have a bible study software that allows me to quickly search the whole text of the bible in just a few clicks).
Consequently, then, if we read such passages as Ro 9:15,16, which are written for our faith, our simple acceptance in faith, we cannot but say that it is God who just hardened the heart of the person we have been talking to about God and His Christ! It is simple and beautiful, for
God locks up all together in stubbornness, that He should be merciful to all. (Ro 11:32)
God wills (not wishes!) that all mankind be saved and come into a realization of the truth. For there is one God, and one mediator of God and mankind, a Man, Christ Jesus, Who is giving Himself a correspondent Ransom for all (mankind) (the testimony in its own eras) (2.Tim 2:4-6)
God is more than logical, and He reveals Himself through the logical word to us. He doesn't say things we cannot understand!
1 comment:
Thank you, Helena, for your comment on here.
Most definitely, too many people are cought up in human traditions, they really seem to have them in their fangs, these tradiotional monsters, for
the spirit is saying explicitly, that in subsequent eras some will be withdrawing from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and the teachings of demons, in the hypocrisy of false expressions, their own conscience having been cauterized (1.Tim 4:1,2)
How many false expressions are there among those who claim the name of Christ and those who form part of His body? Expressions that find no back up in the sacred scriptures whatsoever!
We may only thank God for His grace of understanding and peace resulting from it, for it is He who enables all!
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